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What are the requirements to climb?

Besides having a positive attitude and bringing your "A Game," we do ask for some rules to be followed. Our climbers must be at least 13 years old (Under 18, must have a parent/legal gaurdian at initial sign up). Upon arriving to your first class, you will be asked to sign our liability waiver. Climbers should follow basic safety guidelines and be respectful to all guests. Please follow instructions of instructors to ensure a great class for each member.

What should I expect during a class?

Tie your shoes tight, and enjoy the ride (or climb, to be more accurate). Each class is filled with variations of step patterns, sprints, up-beat playlists, and oh yeah almost forgot - water breaks. Learn more about the specific class you are taking here. If you are uncomfortable at any point of a class, stop your machine, and let the instructor or team member know to assist you. We are here to make sure you feel part of a family, not on the outside.

I have never climbed, is it safe?

Short Answer, Yes! Long Answer, yeeeeeeeeeeeees. 

Elevate Stair Climb trains all instructors to be prepared for any scenario. Our members' safety is priority numero uno. We do recommend having some kind of fuel in your system (ie: light snack 30 minutes prior to the workout), since you are going to be crushing it. As far as our equipment goes, we have chosen to use Technogym's stair climbers for the fact that they are the safest climber on the market. If at any time you feel uncomfortable climbing (dizziness, nauseous, etc.), stop your machine, and let your instructor or a team member know. 

Should I bring anything? Wear anything special?

Long loose clothing is unfortunately prohibited. (Sorry Dracula, gotta leave the cape at home). We don't want you to get stuck on the wrong side of the stair. We recommend sneakers, and prohibit any other shoe that doesn't firmly fit the foot. Other than that, bring a smile and open mind. We highly recommended having a small snack prior to climbing. Climbing can be an intense workout, and to avoid dizziness we recommend having something in your system.

I already workout, why should I climb?

Climbing improves stamina, balance, strength, core and more. Climbing at Elevate Stair Climb is a fun and safe way to spice up your workout routine. In 30 minutes, we burn calories at higher levels, build a booty, shape those calves, and shred those arms, unlike ever before. Elevate not only your physical state, but mental as well in our fitness dojo.

I want to bring my friend for their first time. How do I do that?

Woohoo! You suckered someone into our tribe. Meet at the old tree at midnight for initiation. KIDDING. Call the club or go here to book their first session on us.

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